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Follow a software development

process to analyze a problem, and to design, build, and test software solutions.

Example 1: To show proficiency with this objective, I have included screenshots of the timeline proposal presented for my final Java project, requiring the use of abstraction, along with my testing results, code, and final product.

This project was completed in two phases, with phase one shown for example 1.

mars timeline.png

Timeline for phase 1 of the project.


6 class files created, demonstrating object-oriented programming.

debug java.png

The initial run of the program failed.

java example code.png

A look at the class

java final code working.png

Screenshot of final code working without errors. This part of the project was used to show proficiency with classes and object-oriented programming.


Follow a software


process to analyze a problem, and to

design, build, and test software solutions.

Example 2: This example shows the

second phase of the project, which built

upon the initial program and added 

parent classes.

mars timeline 2.png

Timeline for phase 2 of the project.

parent classes.png
  • To begin, I created the class, which helped to create the person parent class. I created constructors for the class, which would be used to gather information on the person/user.

  • I then created the class, with creates a visitor class that will extend the person class. 

  • Finally, I created the class, which created a worker class that extends the person class, thereby separating the workers on the base from the visitors. 

java person class.png class

java visitor class.png class

java worker class.png class

java debug error.png

Initial run of the program revealed errors. Once debugging was performed, I realized I had made the Age category in the public property of my class a string rather than an integer. 

Press play to watch phase two of the project run without errors.


Demonstrate software
skills using more than
one programming language
and development environment. 

Example 1: This is a screenshot of a Java 
program I created which categorized 
UAT rooms using classes and objects.

java UAT rooms.png

Press play to watch the Java UAT Rooms program in action.


Demonstrate software development skills using more than one programming language and development environment. 

Example 2: This is an example of the code for the sci-fi game I created using the programming language C#. 

object 2 ex 2 code.png

Design and implement software solutions across multiple platforms.

Example 1: Shown here is a screenshot of a game I programmed using React Native, which can be used across multiple platforms. 

object 3 ex 1.png
object 3 ex 1,3 .png
object 3 ex 1,2 .png

Click on the video to watch the program in action.


Design and implement software solutions across multiple platforms.

Example 2: This example shows a screenshot of a website I created using HTML, which is based loosely on my SIP.

object 3 ex 2.png

Design and implement software solutions for mobile or embedded systems.

Example 1: This screenshot shows an example of a mobile application program I created using React Native. Shown in the example is how I created a multi-stack container.

mobile example.png

Design and implement software solutions for mobile or embedded systems.

Example 2: This is an example of a program I created using React Native. Here it shows an alert pop-up I programmed into the application.

mobile example 2.png

Document the planning and development of software applications using industry standard tools, techniques, and processes. 

Example 1: Shown are screenshots of a basic wireframe I started with for my mobile application project I am creating for my SIP. 

The basic wireframe allowed me to develop more detailed wireframes, as demonstrated. 

initial wireframe sip.png

My final wireframe for the main screen shows the top 5 types of dementia that I had originally planned in the initial wireframe. I also added a Symptom section based upon my Subject Matter Expert (SME) recommendations. 

alzheimer's sip screen example.png

This is a screenshot of the code used to bring the above wireframed project to life.


Document the planning and development of software applications using industry standard tools, techniques, and processes. 

Example 2: Shown is an example of a wireframe created for my Web Design class, which allowed me to create a rudimentary website based upon my SIP. 


Within software solutions, describe, implement, and analyze data structure techniques such as lists, trees, hash tables, graphs, along with sorting and searing algorithms. 

Example 1: This example shows an array and random number generator program. 

java array.png
java array 2.png

Within software solutions, describe, implement, and analyze data structure techniques such as lists, trees, hash tables, graphs, along with sorting and searing algorithms. 

Example 2: For this example, I have provided screenshots of a program I created in Java that used arrays and lists to create not only room numbers but also lists of crew members.

java arrays and lists.png
java array and lists 2.png
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